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mm_req() creates a request using httr2::request() and does the following:

  • Inserts the base URL using the environment variable MEGAMATION_URL from your .Renviron.

  • Appends the URL with the endpoint defined by parameter endpoint.

  • Sets the user-agent as the GitHub megamation package.

  • Authenticates the request with HTTP basic authentication using environment variables MEGAMATION_KEY and MEGAMATION_URL from your .Renviron.

  • Handles HTTP errors so useful information from the response is extracted (e.g. "No response body").

  • Adds caching of responses if available. See httr2::req_cache().


mm_req(endpoint, ...)



The API endpoint. For example, "timecard" for employee transactions, and "workorder" for work orders. All endpoints are listed at


<dynamic-dots> Name-value pairs to filter the request. The name should be the lower-case name of a field that is filter-enabled (in Megamation's words, a criteria). These arguments are processed with rlang::quos() and support unquote via !! and unquote-splice via !!!.


An object of class httr2_request.


if (FALSE) { # megamation:::has_creds()